Heavenly Branches
Divination for Awareness

Numbers are the most fundamental archetypes ordering The Universe
Through number, much is revealed that otherwise often remains hidden. Number allows us to link many seemingly different systems together

In the above table we have a key to understand both Tarot and Astrology, and how they are related based upon numerology. Furthermore this arrangement also gives us insight into the nature of the numbers themselves and how to think about them in slightly more accessible ways than if we were to only use number alone
The astrological correspondence is based upon the planetary days, with Rahu as the 8th Graha and Ketu as the 9th
The Tarological correspondences are based upon the idea that we can take cards 1-10 as the first half of the cycle of the Major Arcana, and cards 11-20 as the second half of that cycle. This equates to Yang and Ying or Waxing and Waning; a first series of 10 and a second series of 10. In this case the 10th card is not included because the number 10 is merely a mixture of 1 and 0, the latter being represented by The Fool and The World
When it comes to utilizing the Tarot correspondences it is the cards coming from the first series of 10 that capture the essence of number most obviously, while the second series of 10 shows the other side of the coin so to speak
Tying in the astrological correspondences, for those familiar with planetary cycles, the oriental phase of the planets is similar to the Arcana in the first series of 1-10, while the occidental phase is more akin to the series of 11-20. Practically speaking this means that if one were using Tarot and astrology side by side that if the planet were occidental then the corresponding Arcana to take would be the one from the latter half of the cycle and vice versa. For the Moon this means waxing/waning; for the Sun the first half of the zodiac from Aries to Virgo and the second half from Libra to Pisces. For the Nodes there is a tradition that takes the North Node as exalted in Gemini while the South is exalted in Sagittarius. If we take this idea as a foundation then while the north node is in the signs Gemini to Capricorn this is its waxing period and in the signs Sagittarius to Cancer, its waning period.
The Tarological correspondences do not line up exactly with the planetary correspondences in actual practice. The Arcana as a whole are more complex archetypes than the planets themselves. Therefore there is much overlap to be found whether we are working with signs, elements or planets. For example the magician is clearly Mercury, not Sun; the Priestess is Moon with a touch of Saturn and is primarily watery as well; the Hermit is evocative of Virgo, Saturn and also Jupiter, depending upon the context; the Tower is Martial and fiery yet similar to the 6th house of the horoscope, and so on.
If a person has many of one number predominating in their name then one can focus on the planet that corresponds to that number within the birth chart itself and thereby gain quick insight into a dominant theme in their life and character. If one is doing a Tarot reading then one can again observe if the prevalent numbers found in the name come up in the form of pip cards or Arcana or if other numbers, which are not in harmony with the key numbers of their name predominate.
1 - pure potential, individualism, new beginnings, the seed
Character: it denotes strongly independent types, good leaders, subjective and energetic people
2 - focalization, receptivity, consciousness, relationship, drawing energies together
Character: aloof individuals, often uncertain, introversion, emotional, at times divisive, nebulous, needy, working well in partnerships and in private
3 - harmony, energy directed outward, action in and of itself, ideation
Character: extroverted, intelligent and inquisitive, possessing strong initiative and linking disparate elements or people together, a natural inclination to seek and produce harmony and take risks
4 - stability, solidity, order, form, logic, control
Character: worldly people who seek order and comfort in such order, drawn to reason and order as a means of finding emotional stability, yet often hiding from their tumultuous emotional life, geared toward practicality and establishing foundations, borders or limits, routines
5 - innovation, purification, intellect, seeking beyond
Character: iconoclastic, philosophic or scientific, unsettled and bored with routine and tradition, highly inquisitive/critical and intelligent
6 - beauty, harmony, creation, life, mature union
Character: pleasure seeking, artistic, sanctimonious, enjoyable to be around and highly social, prone to narcism and superficiality
7 - absorption, destiny, moving beyond individualism
Character: serious and sober types concerned with horizons and plans beyond their own desires and personal life, ambitious and often very hard on themselves, anxious yet driven by some deep compulsion or sense of fate/destiny, conquerors and explorers, loners
8 - perfection, transcendence, illumination
Character: people who seek perfection in all things, people who push the boundaries of what we think is possible through an innate intuitive sense or ingenious display of intellect, very careful people, sometimes concerned with order and cleanliness, business types
9 - completion, wholeness, dissolution and crisis
Character: mystical, introverted, shunning the world and social convention, seekers after occult knowledge and altered states of consciousness, prone to escapism and drugs
I will demonstrate the technique using the name of a wonderful Yogi, Hilda Charlton: